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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Christmas Cat Wishes

December 15, 2010

All the kitties are really psyched about Christmas being just around the corner.  They have given me their wish lists and of course, are on their best behavior.  They know Santa Claws is watching.  Roo has put in request for a new mouse and a ball that bounces a little higher than the one she now has. She also mentioned that a small bag of catnip (organic of course) would more than be welcome. I am pretty sure Santa Claws will bring her everything she wants.  She is always a pretty good cat.

On the other hand, Squad Car has had a few lapses in the past month, but I don't think they were bad enough to cost her the items on her wish list.  The item at the top of the list is snacks. She is addicted to the snacks "Greenies", especially the "Wild Salmon Flavor.  The Car bugs me all day for Greenies.  She purrs, rubs against me, walks across the keyboard, meows, and can look extremely pitiful while she is begging.  When I finally give in, she is my best friend and head butts me to show her appreciation. Then about an hour later she starts again. I finally have to raise my voice and say "No" loudly, and she goes away to find trouble elsewhere or climbs up into her window hammock and goes to sleep. 

Of course, both of them want a nice container of rye grass to chew on.  I have been buying the grass at the pet store but that gets to be very expensive, $4.95 for a small tub of grass. I am going to start growing some rye grass next month. All the cats at the house love to gnaw on the grass and it does seem to help their digestion. I will let you know how it goes.

If you are feeding your cats rye grass in the small tubs, here is a hint for you.  When I started feeding them the grass, the tub would not stay upright or they pulled the whole bundle of grass out of the tub.  Messy to say the least and not easy for them to munch on.  What I did was to rubber band the tub to a chair leg (use a big rubber band) and then put a couple of rubber bands across the top of the tub to keep the grass in the container.  Works pretty well. Use big rubber bands so they cannot get them off and chew on them.  You can get huge rubber bands at Office Max that really anchor that tub to the chair. Hope it works for you and your cats.

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