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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Changes in the Gallery

October 1, 2010

 As I mentioned previously, having the cats in the gallery forced me to change a lot of my painting and creative processes.  Since they were going to be in the gallery full time, I had to cut down on the pastel dust they would be inhaling and tracking all over the place.  So, I constructed a heavy duty cardboard box to put behind my pastel work area.  It has a lid so I can close it when I not using it and the lid keeps the cats out of the box.  When I am painting, the lid stays up against the wall and I hang damp rags on the lid and inside the box to catch most of the dust from the pastels. I noticed right away the dust everywhere else decreased quite a bit.

At the end of every painting session I use wet cloths to wash the other areas where pastel dust collects.  It takes an extra fifteen or so, but it keeps Roo and Squad Car clean and free of inhaled pastel dust.  Of course, all supplies have to be put in kitty-proof containers or up so high they cannot get to them.  This sounds like a lot of extra work, but they are so worth it.  Plus, it is better for my health and it makes a better work space for me.  If I look at that way, they are doing me a big favor.  But, I don't tell them because it would cost me extra treats if they thought they were actually helping. 
Here are a couple of recent pictures of the rascals.  No, Squad Car is not on drugs, just goofy.

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