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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cat Personalities

November 4, 2010

Lets talk about personalities.  Roo and the Car get along famously.  Every now and then there is a bite too hard and fur and tails get puffed for a couple of minutes.  Then all is forgiven and it is back to being best buddies.  Hey, that even happens with people.  However, these cat's personalities could not be more different.

Roo is really mellow and just about anything (noises, thunder, people) do not upset or bother her.  She will explore the new intrusion and then ignore it if not considered a threat.  Even if it is perceived as a thereat, she usually ends up ignoring it and going on about her busy schedule (sleeping, eating, pooping, etc.).

On the other hand, Squad Car is a worrier and is easily scared by just about any unusual happening.  She has a couple of "safe rooms" in the gallery for unexpected traumas.  Her favorite is under a throw rug.  I have watched her use her front claws to to lift up the rug and disappear under the rug. So, in the morning when I arrive at the gallery, I can usually tell if there were some monsters roaming around during the night.  The rug has a little hump in it and the hump is usually a little black and white cat.  When she hears me come in, out she pops acting like nothing happened.  Roo of course, is perched on her favorite spot up by the front window waiting for breakfast.

Roo loves to be petted and scritched ("scritched is a cat word for using your fingers to rub the cat's fur against the grain - some cats will hurt you badly if you try this) and she especially likes to be brushed.  But, it all has to be done on her bench or on the floor. Roo is not happy being held or picked up.  She will not bite or scratch, but it is like picking up a board.  As soon as her feet touch the floor, she is just fine.  This is one thing I can say about both of the girls.  They are not mean, biting or scratching cats.  Just different goals in life.

Squad Car is just the opposite. I have to put her off my lap twenty time a day so I can get some work accomplished.  She loves laps and adores being picked up and held.  Just look like you are going to pick her up and purr motor revs' up instantly.  I really believe if I let her on my lap in the morning when I open the gallery, she would stay there all day except for potty breaks and chow.  Even as I am writing this blog, she is walking back and forth across the keyboard trying to get on my lap.  She is a big, big help and thank goodness for spell check.  Unfortunately, she is a really bad typist.

Every cat I have shared my space with (notice I did not say "own" because you cannot ever "own" a cat) has had a different personality.  Some good, some not so good.  I have never regretted being with any of them.  Just like all animals, they have little souls that enhance the lives of humans lucky enough to be allowed into their lives.  Don't you wish you could say that about humans?

Next installment, I will talk about the rituals that have evolved in the gallery.

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